When Zach’s relationship experiences a significant shortfall due to the unexpected revelation of Ollie’s hidden sexuality, both individuals find themselves at a crossroads. Will their relationship ultimately crumble under the relentless pressures of the ever-growing societal standards and expectations, or will they manage to rekindle the deep connection that once felt so strong between them?
In partnership with Shotglass Productions, I took on the roles of both writer and director for this stand-alone piece, which ultimately developed a much deeper and more meaningful connection to our actor's personal experiences and emotions.
This piece was meticulously developed in collaboration with our dedicated actor, who sought to infuse a sense of reality into his work. Drawing from his past experiences, he felt a strong desire to explore the deeper end of acting for his first showreel, aiming to deliver a truly emotional performance. Within this carefully crafted showreel, we successfully captured a blend of comedy, an intense range of raw emotions, and poignant themes of loss.