Ntiarna embarked on her career at a very young age, cultivating her theatrical talent until her secondary school years, where she excelled in performing arts and achieved a Distinction. Despite being discouraged by naysayers who emphasized the limitations of her disability, she persevered. The discouraging words from her consultant served as a catalyst, propelling her to pursue her passion for the creative arts even more fervently.

Returning to drama school, she delved into commercial work and modeling before finally securing a dedicated agent. Collaborating closely with her agent, she not only honed her craft in the fine arts but also solidified her place in the industry as a disabled actress. Eager to share her narrative while continuing to thrive in the industry, Ntiarna focuses on crafting her own scripts and directing projects. Her writing journey began during a period of immobility following knee surgeries, during which she discovered a penchant for creating narratives missing in the shows she watched. This led her to venture into writing various formats, ranging from short films to feature films and television series. The spark for directing ignited when she undertook the challenging task of filming her first short film, paving the way for further exploration through workshops and classes.

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